Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Like I said in my first post, I get a lot of encouragement watching the ladies on YouTube with their infertility and TTC (trying to conceive) journeys.  Several of them have done what they call a tag video, but since I don't make videos I thought that I would do my tag here on my blog.

1. How long have you been trying?

3 1/2 years.  We stopped trying to prevent pregnancy in June of 2007.

2. How many kids do you have?

None :(

3. How old are you and Hubby?

I am 31, and my husband is 30 (I am 8 months older)

4. How long have you been married?

Almost 6 years, May 14, 2005

5. What are some crazy things you do to TTC/while TTCing?

Go to see our fertility doctor A LOT!!

6. Does your hubby know all about the TTC cycle?

Yes, he kind of has to because we have to go to see our fertility doctor on certain days for certain tests

7. Have you been diagnosed with any kind of infertility?

Male factor infertility

8.  What do you do to pass the time during your 2WW (2 week wait)?


9. What day do you usually ovulate?

13 or 14 I think

10. What sex are you hoping for?

Either is fine because we don't have any children, but eventually we'd like a boy and a girl

11. How many pregnancy books do you have?


12. How many HPT's (home pregnancy tests) do you go through a cycle?

Usually None, my evil AF comes before the need for one, but last cycle 2

13. What have you bought for your baby/pregnancy already?


14. What themes/designs do you like for a nursery?

Nothing too elaborate, because we rent and can't really paint the room or anything.

15. Do you plan to do pregnancy Vlogs when you get pregnant?

Probably not, I'll more than likely stick to my blog.  My husband isn't to keen on putting videos of our private life up for everyone to see.

16. Who are your favorite moms or parents to watch on youtube?

Jeni- CandidMommy (I also follow her blog)
Jennifer- JPSUESS  (I also follow her blog)
Meghann- rMeghann (I also follow her blog)
Carla- thebubblelush (I also follow her blog)
Jen- InformationMommy
Megan- rmmartin92405
Jordan- 08jaydensmommy08
Candace- ouradoptionoption (I also follow her blog)
Britney- MBShrewsbury

17. How do you want your labor/birth plan to go?

I don't have one, but I have NO pain tolerance (stub my toe and pass out, literally) so it will DEFINITELY be in a hospital and more than likely with some pain medicine.

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