Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Prep!!

On July 6th my husband's aunt and I picked up my parents at the airport.  My dad had never flown before and my mom had only had one airplane trip, so I was very nervous for them.  Everything went well, and they even signed up for frequent flyer miles at the airport.  On the 6th we just went grocery shopping and rested at home, because my parents were very tired from their trip.

On July 7th I showed my parents around St. Augustine and we went shopping for a project my dad was going to help me with.  We then went back home, because I had to start my bowel prep at 3 pm.  We got home around 2 and made lunch.  By this time I was getting very nervous, because Dr. Brown had told me that this was going to be the worst part.  Well at 3 pm I took my 4 Dulcolax pills and waited. 

Everything seemed alright.  I then had to wait until 5 pm so I could start my Miralax & Gatorade cocktail.  Well, after I started the prep I was not able to eat anything at all.  I was able to drink clear fluids though.  Well finally at around 4:30 I found a pitcher that I was going to use to mix up my cocktail  I poured the powder into the bottom and added the 64 ounces of  Gatorade and mixed it up.  I then put it in the refrigerator, so it would be cold.  I figured it would be easier to drink cold than room temperature.  I also found a cup that I could use that was about 8 ounces. 

Around 4:45 I couldn't wait any longer; I figured the sooner I began the prep the sooner it would be over.  So I drank my first glass and set my phone timer for 15 minutes.  I  was also happily surprised that the Miralax hadn't changed the taste of the Gatorade.  It was pretty easy to drink my first 4 cups, but around 6 it started to hit me HARD!!  I finished all the the Gatorade and Miralax, but I literally spent the majority of my night in the bathroom.  My husband finally got home from Minnesota at around 12:30 and I was still up and in the the bathroom.  My parent waited up with me until he got home and then they went to bed.  I was finally able to go to bed around 3 a.m., but I was still up every 1/2 hour to go to the bathroom. 

I was finally at the point that I was ready to have my surgery.  But, it was only because I wanted the bowel prep vengeance to be over!! 

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