Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We got back home from the hospital at around 7:30, and by then I was REALLY hungry.  My husband asked me what I wanted to eat and I told him either a cheeseburger or chicken nuggets.  He seemed to get really upset with me and told me "fine" he then looked at my dad, and said, "good luck".  Then he and my mom left.  They later told me that my anesthesiologist told them if I was nauseous that I couldn't have anything like that to eat, but I wasn't nauseous and they assumed that I couldn't have it and thought I was being difficult. 

When they had returned they cooked some chicken nuggets, but they were very spicy, so I didn't eat them.  I started getting a little sore around 9 pm, so I took some of the pain killers that my doctor had prescribed.  My husband helped me walk upstairs and helped me get settled into bed.  It hurt to lay flat, so I slept propped up on 4 pillows.  I woke up in the early morning in some pain, so I took some more medicine and went back to sleep until around 8:30. 

I was in some slight pain the rest of the day, so I kept up on my pain medicine.  On Saturday night I felt some extreme pain, and I looked at my belly and it was really swollen.  My mom looked at my pain medicine bottle and noticed that it was mainly acetaminophen, so she suggested that I take an Ibuprofen in between my prescription, and that really helped. 

Sunday, we noticed that the dressing on my belly button was falling off, so my husband called my doctor and asked him what we should do.  He suggested leaving the dressing on it , but if it did fall off to keep it clean and try and keep it covered.  Monday night the dressing completely came off, and my mom helped me change the dressings.  My parents flew back to Michigan on July 12th. 

I slowly weened myself off of the pain meds until I was only on Ibuprofen when I needed it and now it has been about a week and a half since the surgery and I haven't taken anything in about 4 days.  I have also quit covering up my belly button because I had been having a reaction to the adhesive (even the adhesive for sensitive skin) and it was tearing off my skin.
You can see the reaction from the sensitive skin tape
You can see the incision in my belly button, but you can also see how the band aids tore off my skin :(

I have my post-op appointment on August 1st, but until then I can't do anything that involved my lady parts, including swimming, bathing, tampons, anything!!!

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