My appointment was scheduled for 9 AM. My husband and I arrived at the office around 8:55 AM, signed in and waited about 45 minutes to an hour to be called back. When we were finally called back, we had to wait in the exam room for another 25-30 minutes. While in the examination room I was wearing nothing more than a large paper towel over my bottom half and I was FREEZING!!!
Dr Brown and Jennifer finally came in and started to do the IUI, but could not find my cervix. Dr. Brown had Jennifer go out of the room to go get another piece of equipment that looked like a very large pair of scissors. He then had Jennifer push on my lower abdomen while he tried to find my cervix.
This was very uncomfortable!! The IUI was finally completed, but I felt faint and very nauseous. After Dr. Brown had finished the IUI he explained to me that my cervix is short and that if this IUI isn't successful that I will need to schedule surgery to have my cervix stretched. They then had me lay flat with my knees bent for about 15 minutes and then I was free to go home.
I really hope and pray that this IUI is successful for many reasons:
1. My husband & I really want to be parents.
2. I really don't want to have surgery. The thought of it terrifies me!!
3. This is getting really expensive (even with a flexible spending account) & our insurance doesn't cover infertility, so who knows if they'd cover the surgery.
So, I guess I am now officially in my 2WW!!
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