Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mid 2 Week Wait

I am officially in the middle of my 2WW and I am going crazy!!  I usually lose it the second weekend of the 2WW so I am very happy that this weekend is Easter.  This will be my husband and I's first Easter away from the majority of our family.  We moved from Michigan to Florida about a year ago, and left most of our family behind :(  One of my husband's sisters and his aunt and uncle live very close to where we moved, so thankfully we aren't alone.  This year my husband & I and his sister are going to spend Easter together (our aunt and uncle are going on a cruise this Easter... those lucky ducks).  So, at least I will have that to keep my mind off of the waiting. 

I wish everyone a Happy Easter, Happy Passover and a Happy Spring if you don't celebrate either of those.

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