Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My stinky day

Well, as you can tell from the title of the post, I didn't get my BFP :(

I woke up around 3:30 this morning when my husband's alarm went off for him to go running.  I went into the bathroom and peed in my cup with the intention to take my test.  Well, as I was finishing up in the bathroom I found that evil AF had arrived, so I dumped my pee and cleaned my cup and thus began my stinky day:(

I got up the courage to call Dr. Brown's office around 11:30 to schedule my surgery, only to have to leave a message on their machine.  Well, around 3:30 they called me back with my surgery date and explained a little bit about what is going to happen. 

I have to have a laparoscopy and hysterscopy on July 8th to figure out why my IUI's aren't working and to try to fix any problems that they may find while there.  I don't know what time the surgery is for and I won't for a while.  I will be called back from Dr. Brown's office with a date for my pre-op appointments at the hospital and with Dr. Brown and also with the time of my surgery.

Now I am super nervous!!!  I have never had surgery before and the only time I've been put under is when I had my wisdom teeth out.  I did have one of my fears conquered though; the lady from Dr. Brown's office asked about my insurance information and I told her that our insurance doesn't cover anything related to infertility.  She then explained that this procedure is a medical procedure and that it isn't coded as infertility, so our insurance should cover it!!  That lifted a huge weight off my shoulders!! 

Well, please think of me in the coming months as I prepare for this surgery and I hope and pray that it fixes our issues and that our next IUI is successful!!

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