Thursday, April 7, 2011

Infertility Medicine

I received some of my medicine in the mail today from Freedom Fertility Pharmacy, so I thought I would write a little bit about the medicines that I have to take. 
On days 3-7 of my cycle I have to take 2 Femara pills.  Each pill is 2.5 MG. 
Femara is used to increase ovulation.
I was told by the nurses at our fertility clinic that I should feel lucky that I don't have to take Clomid, because that makes women a little crazy. 

The first month that I had to take the Femara I got some crazy side effects, but since then I haven't had any so I feel extremely lucky.

I also have to take shots of Gonal-f.  Right now I use 75 MG.
Gonal-f is used to help develop the ovarian follicles that are needed for ovulation.

I have had to take these shots each time I have done an IUI.  I don't seem to make large enough follicles without the "booster".  I take the Gonal-f around cycle days 11-13, but each month it changes a little bit.  I give myself the shot in the chub part of my abdomen, near my belly button.  It doesn't really hurt, but it kinda freaks my husband out, he doesn't like to see shots being given.  I have also had the Gonal-f in a different form.  My last cycle I had to mix the medicine myself and suck it up into the syringe and do it that way.  I much prefer the simplicity of the pen.

I also have to take an Ovidrel trigger shot.
Ovidrel is used to release the egg you've been developing at a certain time.
I also have to take this shot every time I have an IUI.  The doctor will tell me a time range of when to take the shot, and it corresponds with when my IUI is scheduled.  I also give myself this shot in the chub area of my abdomen somewhat near my belly button.  I usually make my husband sit by me when I do this one, because I tend to have to do it in the evening when he is home, and this one stings just a tiny bit when the medicine is going in. 

I have absolutely no pain tolerance, and I can give myself these shots, so they aren't that bad. 

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